George Gast began his career with the Willoughby Police Department in Ohio.   In 1984 he began working for the Federal Bureau of Investigations as a Special Agent rising through the ranks to Supervisory Special Agent of the Buffalo Field Office.   In 2004 he was hired as Assistant Federal Security Director with the Department of Homeland Security Transportation Security Administration.   In 2010 he was appointed to Chief of Niagara Frontier Transportation Transit Police Department.   After his retirement he became an investigator with us.  He specializes in multi-state investigations.

1982-1984- Willoughby Police Department-Police Officer

1984-2004-Federal Bureau of Investigations- Supervisory Special Agent

2004-2007-Department of Homeland Security-Transportation Security Administration-Assistant Federal Security Director

2007-2010- Seebald Security Inc.-Principal Owner

2010-2022—-Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority Transit Police Department-Chief

2022-Present-Peter M. Vito & associates, Inc.